Yes on 3 Statement on Cole County Circuit Court Decision In Ballot Access Case

September 6, 2024

Missouri — Today, Rachel Sweet, Campaign Manager for Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, issued the following statement in response to the ruling from the Cole County Circuit Court:

“Despite today’s setback in court, Missourians for Constitutional Freedom remains unwavering in our mission to ensure Missourians have the right to vote on reproductive freedom on November 5. The court’s decision to block Amendment 3 from appearing on the ballot is a profound injustice to the initiative petition process and undermines the rights of the 380,000 Missourians who signed our petition demanding a voice on this critical issue.

“We plan to appeal this decision and hope for a swift resolution so that Missourians can vote on November 5 to protect reproductive freedom, including access to abortion, birth control and miscarriage care. Our fight to ensure that voters—not politicians—have the final say is far from over.”